Held on the grounds outside the hilltop mansion of Viacom Chairman Sumner Redstone, 83, and his wife of four years, Paula Fortunato, 44, Clinton joked, "their beautiful home … sort of makes the White House look like public housing.
After a video saluting Clinton's mother concluded, Redstone's wife slipped two fingers in her mouth and made a deafening whistle. Then, when Clinton spoke, she wrapped one arm around her husband and the other around Streisand, stroking the singer's back to keep her warm as the temperatures began to drop.
Clinton saluted Streisand for befriending his ailing mother at his first inauguration in January 1993. "Other people like her or don't for her politics," Clinton said of Streisand, "but I want you to know something — she called my mother once a week for one solid year until she died. And I will never forget that."
Clinton said his mother spent the last week of her life "pulling slot machines" and hearing Streisand sing in Las Vegas.
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